How to Scale XR in an Enterprise

Whether you’re a CIO, CTO, or Director of Technology, it’s your job to make sure your company can keep up with today’s world. Right now, that means implementing XR into your organization. 

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are in a phase of rapid growth–the industry had a total value of $4.8 billion in 2021 and should hit the $12 billion mark by 2024. 

With a multitude of benefits–from training to reduced spending–XR is the future. That’s why it’s crucial to ensure the XR components of your business can easily scale. If you’re wondering what that entails, here are some tips.

Provide Data

The sheer amount of data related to VR/AR can be overwhelming. Instead of keeping track of everything, focusing on a few highly relevant data points is wise. 

Some of the most compelling statistics to track have connections to XR’s financial impact on your business. Consider keeping an eye on how much money this technology can help you save by:

  • Making employee training more efficient

  • Reducing the need for real-world training resources

  • Cutting down on travel in favor of virtual meetings

  • Allowing you to create VR prototypes of new products instead of physical models

Once you have examples of how VR and AR can help your organization financially,  you should have no trouble making a case for scaling your XR strategy.

Get the Right Hardware

For consumers, buying a VR headset is as simple as going to a nearby big-box store and walking out with whatever is available. Of course, investing in VR equipment for business use couldn’t be more different. You’ll need to consider:

  • Headset longevity. Investing in durable, high-quality gear can help you future-proof your VR/AR setup to an extent.

  • A company’s ability to mass-produce headsets on demand. It’s important to partner with a VR/AR company, like MACE Virtual Labs, that specializes in enterprise service and has direct experience helping organizations expand their XR efforts. 

  • Customer service. The company you work with should help you implement, train, and manage the XR components of your business.  

Make It Accessible

You’ll need to make sure everyone in your organization has access to your full VR/AR solution–that is, both the equipment and the apps powering these devices. For equipment, you should provide:  

  • Multiple spaces designed with XR technology in mind. Ideally, each department of your enterprise using VR or AR would have its own dedicated area for headsets, related equipment, and space to use it. 

  • The right headsets for each use case. You’ll need to balance XR needs with your budget. Relatively inexpensive headsets can suffice for basic employee training. Still, it can be worth it to pay more for higher-quality gear when it comes to specialized engineering, product design, or technical workflows.

  • Thorough employee training. XR is still very new to most people, so it’s best not to assume your workers are already familiar or comfortable with this technology. Expert training can get employees off to a strong start in the virtual world, allowing them to use these systems as efficiently as possible.

Lay a Technological Foundation

Take time to ensure each business unit in your enterprise has:

  • VR/AR devices compatible with your programs of choice. Even if you use the best headsets available, they’ll be useless if they aren’t compatible with your software. Do close research before committing to an XR brand, or choose a vendor that can do this research for you.

  • Copies of any XR programs your company uses. Your employees should be able to access the software powering your VR/AR strategy, no matter what department they work in. Even if that means paying more for multiple software licenses or upgrades allowing for multiple users, it’s worth it to keep things consistent across your enterprise.

  • Internet access for cloud-based software updates. Keeping software versions consistent and updated and firmware on devices updated is crucial. This also helps with the security of the devices. You may want to consider device management software. Not only can it help to streamline your efforts but also enable your team to wipe a device remotely or locate it.

Invest in Ongoing Maintenance

Keeping up with the growth of any type of technology can be a challenge. That’s doubly true in the XR field, where major changes occur on what feels like a daily basis. To avoid falling behind, you’ll need to ensure your hardware is properly maintained and your software gets regular updates.

But you don’t need to create an XR strategy independently, either. Reputable VR vendors like MACE Virtual Labs offer fleet management services, keeping your XR hardware and software up to date. Investing in these services is a fantastic way to maintain your existing headsets while avoiding reinvestment expenses.

Partner with an XR Expert

If you don’t already have a deep understanding of VR and AR, it’s not a bad idea to team up with an expert in the field. Partnering with a trustworthy XR company will help you establish realistic goals for scaling your program. At the same time, you’ll find it easier to track your results. These companies can also create turnkey VR/AR solutions for business use, provide training on this equipment for employees, and offer technical support if anything goes wrong.

MACE Virtual Labs is the go-to supplier of business-level XR hardware and software for countless enterprises. MACE can make life easier for your company by bundling multiple types of VR equipment. At the same time, working with MACE will save you the hassle of dealing with numerous vendors to procure this VR/AR software and hardware. Not only can they provide help and training for implementation, but they have the expertise needed to assist your organization as it scales in XR efforts. 

Kim Grennan