Pico VR Headset: Everything You Want to Know

While there are quite a few high-quality virtual reality (VR) headsets on the market today, it may seem like some of the most prominent players are muscling out everyone else. But even though Oculus (which will soon be known as “Meta,” thanks to ongoing rebranding efforts) and HTC are the most notable names in VR, they’re not the only companies gaining traction in this field. 

You’ll also want to get familiar with Pico Interactive, which has begun to make a name for itself thanks to its VR headsets focusing on enterprise-level use. As it happens, Pico VR headsets have quickly started making their mark on the VR industry–for good reason. 

The Latest from Pico VR

Every business needs to find its niche, and Pico has undoubtedly taken this advice to heart. Instead of offering headsets meant for anyone–consumers or businesses–their products focus solely on the enterprise market. Right now, Pico’s VR headset options include the entry-level G2 4K/G2 4K Enterprise and the more advanced Neo 3 Pro/Neo 3 Pro Eye.

Pico’s untethered headsets are affordable, easy to use, and are mostly free from usage restrictions. While they’re not suitable for everyone, they’re a fantastic choice for many businesses–especially those that are smaller and looking to scale.

Your Burning Questions Answered

Taking the VR path is an investment, no one should rush the decision of what equipment is best suited for their company. Get started with the top questions about Pico Interactive’s products– along with the answers you’re looking for.

How much storage does it support?

That depends on which Pico headset you choose.

  • The G2 4K offers 64 GB of ROM storage

  • The G2 4K Enterprise comes with 128 GB

  • Both Neo 3 Pro headsets include 256 GB

Does it require a computer?

Pico’s headsets are standalone products, which means you don’t need to connect them to a computer or smart device. However, they do offer wired and wireless streaming for PC VR content.

Does it come with controllers?

Both the Neo 3 Pro and the Neo 3 Pro Eye are bundled with two 6DoF controllers. The G2 4K and G2 4K Enterprise come with controllers, too; however, they include one 3DoF controller each.

How easy is it to wipe down?

You should have no difficulties cleaning your Pico headset with a simple cloth. Some users suggest Pico’s facemasks are even easier to clean than those used in Oculus headsets.

A Comparative Viewpoint

It’s difficult to go wrong between the Pico and Oculus headsets. Oculus and Pico have gotten where they are today by selling some of the best VR headsets on the market, so your business is likely to be satisfied with either option.

Instead of worrying about the “right” or “wrong” choice, make life easier for yourself by focusing on what you and your business need. Oculus headsets are a perfectly respectable choice for both enterprise VR use and individuals looking to enjoy themselves. But this split user base comes at a cost–the Oculus marketplace is far more crowded, potentially making it harder to find training tools that are right for your company. And while plans are in place to get rid of Oculus’ infamous Facebook login requirement, it could still create hassles for you in the short term.

Meanwhile, Pico’s headsets cater purely to the enterprise market. In fact, they aren’t sold directly to consumers. As a result, it’s easier to focus on what really matters for your company while using Neo 3 Pro or G2 4K headsets. That’s why we believe Pico’s products have the edge on Oculus headsets for enterprise use.

Finding the Right Partner

The process of buying VR headsets for commercial use isn’t as simple as heading to your nearest big-box store. Instead, you’ll need to work with experts who understand your goals, who can offer valuable support services, and who can help you expand your VR strategy as required.

Some of the biggest questions to ask when looking for a VR partner are:

Can they handle custom kitting?

While a one-size-fits-all headset may be enough for consumers, that’s not the case on the enterprise level. A VR kit that works perfectly for another business might be nothing like what you need, so finding a partner that can provide custom kits is crucial.

Can they provide hardshell cases for headsets?

Today’s VR headsets are marvels of technology and engineering, but they aren’t meant to stand up to the demands of many workplaces. When your headsets aren’t in use, you should protect them with sturdy hardshell cases. 

Can they brand headsets?

Almost anything can help you build your business’ brand–VR headsets included. Whether you’ve considered this opportunity before or it’s news to you, this isn’t something you can afford to ignore when selecting a VR partner.

Can they preload headsets? 

Searching for the VR software that best fits your company can take up valuable time. But when your partner preloads your headsets, your employees will be able to get to work right away.

Getting the Right Answers

MACE Virtual Labs provides the services listed above and more. Whether you’ve been thinking about business applications of VR for years or have just begun looking into this field, they can guide you through the process–even helping you choose what brand of headsets is best for your business. 

No matter what virtual, augmented, or extended reality products your business needs, they’ll be able to help you get started. And you won’t be left high and dry after purchasing headsets either. Instead, MACE VL makes a point of offering extended support to its clients from technical help to fleet management

Similar to the way VR works, MACE Virtual Labs, aims to create a holistic experience for customers. 

Kim Grennan