The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Reality Training: From Set Up to Organization-Wide Impact

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Virtual reality (VR) is a rising star in the corporate learning and development world, with major players like Verizon and Walmart enthusiastically seizing the opportunities VR training technologies present. A global pandemic and the growing popularity of online learning have accelerated this trend, leading executives across a broad spectrum of industries to affirm their commitment to the power of virtual reality. 

In an increasingly competitive, remote-first business landscape, VR will serve as an indispensable tool for training and educating the workforce. Virtual reality is more than just the future— it’s here today, changing the world as we speak.

How Does Virtual Reality Training Work? 

Virtual reality training is the process of immersing employees in highly-realistic, digital environments to simulate training tactics and procedures. In doing so, organizations can dramatically improve upon traditional training practices, unlocking a number of unique benefits.

What Are the Benefits of Virtual Reality Training?

  • Mistakes are free: Unlike real-world training environments, where mistakes can be costly (if not dangerous), virtual reality training provides the opportunity to practice high-risk, high-cost procedures as many times as necessary— at practically zero additional cost and with no real-world consequences.

  • Makes training scalable: VR training is as impactful as in-person training, delivered in a fraction of the time, with a fraction of the resources and equipment usually needed. This is especially favorable when rolling out new processes in a large organization, providing a scalable means for ongoing training with large groups of employees. VR training has also been shown to aid in employee retention.

  • Offers a wealth of training data: Traditional training approaches offer limited data for learning & development departments (L&D). But with virtual reality, businesses can access useful metrics on user performance, specific movements, speed, errors, tasks completed, and how effective the training was.

  • Reduces risk and liability: By addressing key safety protocols and high-risk behaviors before employees enter a physical workspace, employers can more proactively manage potential issues and liabilities.

How VR Is Used In Training: 4 Examples

When it comes to embracing VR training tech, some industries have been more progressive than others— but in truth, there’s practically no limit to the domains virtual reality can be applied to. With the right approach, VR training programs can be effective in a variety of business use cases:

  • Soft skills training: Customer-facing workers like service agents and retail employees must always remain empathetic and understanding, even in the face of hard conversations. Immersive VR environments can help employees walk in their customer’s shoes, providing them a more meaningful perspective for handling and de-escalating difficult situations.

  • Safety training: Health and safety challenges frequently require employees to react in the moment, making snap decisions about how to protect themselves and those around them. With VR training, businesses can guide workers through these difficult scenarios, preparing them to act appropriately when their safety is at risk, without putting them in any real danger.

  • Practical skill training: Hands-on mentorship is a long, drawn-out process and difficult to scale, especially in specialized trades like HVAC or plumbing. VR training offers apprentices on-demand access to digital tools and equipment, enabling them to sharpen their skills independently.

  • HR and compliance training: Some workplace issues are simply too sensitive to be addressed with a PowerPoint. By utilizing VR training, however, companies can increase empathy and situational awareness in acute social scenarios like bullying or sexual harassment.

As use cases grow, more and more industries will begin to adopt VR training. Industries that currently use and benefit from VR training include:

  • Construction

  • Healthcare

  • Manufacturing

  • Education

  • Law Enforcement

  • Automotive

  • Architecture

  • And many more.

How Much Does VR Training Cost? 

The short answer is, it depends. There’s a variety of factors that go into a business’s VR budget, from the complexity of the training to the type of equipment and software needed. Across industries, the average cost tends to fall between $40,000 and $155,000 per project.

To minimize upfront costs and large capital expenditures, turn-key VR training providers like MACE Virtual Labs offer: 

  • Unique financing packages

  • Ability for customers to rent out expensive VR equipment

  • Customized virtual reality training solutions that fit your training department budget

Compared to the upfront costs of traditional training methods, VR may sound like a steep investment, but as your virtual environment is utilized by more and more workers over the long-term, the average cost of training an employee drops dramatically (whereas the cost of a live exercise is generally fixed). 

How to Set Up Virtual Reality Training in Your Organization

Simulating an entirely new layer of reality is no simple task, and most companies will find VR training nearly impossible to pull off by themselves. Turn-key training providers like MACE Virtual Labs, can help scale and streamline this process, ensuring your VR initiatives are effective at an enterprise level. A VR training provider will offer a full suite of solutions. 

The virtual reality training set-up process is typically as follows:

  1. Selecting a turn-key VR training partner: To accomplish your training goals as quickly and effectively as possible, training departments should partner with an experienced VR technology provider. 

  2. Hardware fulfillment: An experienced virtual reality partner will help you identify, select, and source the optimal hardware options for your particular training scenario. The best providers will have relationships with top VR hardware manufacturers, with the ability to assess what specific brands and equipment are the best fit for you.

  3. Shipping and installation: Transporting and setting up a complex set of VR equipment can be just as difficult as sourcing it. The right VR training partner can assist with the on-site installation of your hardware.

  4. Training instruction: Simulated training requires a different approach to trainee instruction. A quality VR solution provider will walk you through the curriculum development process, advising on best practices, obstacles, and opportunities.

Reach Out to MACE Virtual Labs to Create a Virtual Reality Training Solution In Your Organization 

While the economics and advantages of this training approach are promising, most businesses will require the assistance of industry experts to implement an effective solution. In this respect, MACE Virtual Labs is perfectly positioned to lend a helping hand. With vast experience in VR solutions and a network of key device manufacturing partners, MACE can help your organization take the complexity and guesswork out of virtual reality training. 

From advising on software and hardware requirements to providing hands-on setup and installation, MACE draws on years of industry experience to help your team build a polished training program. MACE doesn’t just give you what you ask for— they help your team dream big, presenting unique opportunities and providing creative solutions. If you’re ready to make a revolutionary impact on your approach to training, don’t hesitate to reach out to MACE.

Chad Modad